Have You Built A Strong Brand for Your Salon?

Mar 30, 2023
Have you built a strong brand for your salon?

And by brand, I don't mean your logo and all the pretty colour palettes and fonts you've got loaded into your branding kit in Canva.
I'm talking about the sh** that actually matters. Diving deeper into your purpose, your values, your mission, what you actually stand for and how you want to be perceived. Who do you want to attract? How do you want people to feel?
It's so easy to jump straight into the aesthetic side of branding, but without having a deeper understanding of what your brand actually is - there's no way of you being able to accurately represent it.
Think of it like this, you're essentially trying to build a house without a solid foundation. You haven't even put the concrete slab down and you're out spending 3 hours picking the perfect scented candle to place in the living room that hasn't even been built.
Building a strong foundation for your brand can have many benefits in the long-term including:
  1. Increased Brand Recognition:
    When I mention the word soft drink - I'm guessing Coca Cola would probably be one the first things that comes to mind. A strong brand is easily recognisable and memorable, which can lead to increased customer loyalty and repeat business.
  2. Improved Customer Loyalty:
    If customers love your products/services and what your brand stands for, they will keep coming back. Ask yourself which brands do I buy from the most? And why is it that I continue to purchase from them? A strong brand can create an emotional connection with customers, leading to increased loyalty and advocacy.
  3. Greater Perceived Value:
    Consider this - Kmart activewear vs Lululemon activewear. A strong brand can create a perception of higher quality, reliability, and trustworthiness in the minds of consumers.
  4. Competitive Advantage:
    Think luxury brands - why are some people hellbent on buying Gucci handbags when others swear by Louis Vuitton. A strong brand can differentiate a company from its competitors, making it more attractive to customers and investors.
  5. Increased Profitability:
    We all know that a lot of the products we purchase are all made at a factory in China, but we still get sucked in to paying for the brand name. A strong brand can command higher prices, resulting in increased revenue and profitability.
  6. Better Recruitment and retention of employees:
    You want to have loyal employees? Build a brand with strong core values that are aligned to a bigger mission than just making money in business. A strong brand can attract top talent and improve employee satisfaction and retention.
  7. Increased marketing effectiveness:
    Trying to market without a strong brand is like trying to drive a car without a steering wheel. A strong brand can make marketing efforts more effective and efficient, as customers are more likely to engage with and respond to brand messages.
If you're struggling to attract clients into your salon, it may be time to reassess your branding. You can use the following journalling prompts to dive a little deeper...
  • If someone were to come across your brand for the first time, what are the first 3 words you'd want them to associate your brand with?
  • Why did you start your business in the first place? What is the end goal?
  • What are the core values of your brand? How are you communicating them with your ideal client/target market?
  • Imagine there's your salon and another salon offering the exact same services at the exact same price-point. What is your point of difference? Why would someone choose to book with you instead?
  • What type of person do you want your brand to attract? Is your brand currently attracting this person?
  • If I were to take away your logo, would I be able to recognise your brand through consistent messaging, personality and tone of voice?

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